Confirmation in english for international students

In Gentofte, the churches  offer confirmation preparation in English for students attenting an international school or who prefer to speak English rather than Danish.

The teaching is an offer for all confirmands living in Gentofte or those who attend a school in Gentofte, regardless of which church you belong to in Gentofte municipality.
The teaching is carried out by pastor Betina Vejegård and takes place on the first Thursday of each month from 16.00-17.45 in Helleruplund Church (Bernstorffsvej 73, 2900 Hellerup).


In addition to the teaching, each month there will be 1-2 independent or written assignments, as well as a requirement to participate in a church service every month in a church of own choice.


The confirmationday itself takes place in the confirmand's local church an by the priest in the parish of residence or at Helleruplund Church by pastor Betina.


If you want to register your child for English confirmation preparation or simply just wants to hear more about the offer, you can contact pastor Betina Vejegård at or telephone 2974 5514.


The clases begins in september 2025